The Board

Who is now an Emeritus Professor of South Asian Laws at SOAS in London, has been Chair of the Board of CICD for many years. He has helped to guide the artistic and community development work of Nilima Devi and those around her. As an expert on South Asian culture, he has been able to advise on strategic development aspects at various levels and remains actively connected to the scholarly and artistic communities concerned with various forms of South Asian dance.

For many years, until 2018, Sarah Levitt was Head of Arts and Museums for Leicester City Council. She has known and worked with Nilima Devi and the Centre for Indian Classical Dance from when she first came to Leicester in 1997. Since joining the Board of CICD in 2018 she has secured over £40,000 from the National Lottery Heritage fund for Poshak Puralekh and has supported delivery of this project.

Joined the CICD Board in 2016. A retired health worker, with a deep love for Arts and Culture, being able to introduce this in her health practice. In 1997 she secured a small grant from the Leicestershire Health Authority to encourage mobility to infirm house bound elderly ladies through dance.
“Dreams of a new life, a return to second youth, a beautiful strong and trim body, which radiates health and vitality and wonderful peace of mind have come through various forms of classical dance. “

Has worked in community and participatory dance since 1992 and is currently Executive Director of People Dancing. It is People Dancing’s job to get more people dancing, and to support the artists and organisations that make this happen. Chris leads on strategy and development, pioneering the organisation’s approach to partnership working both within the dance industry and with organisations from other art forms. He heads up a team of specialist Producers and Programme Directors who are focused on professional development, inclusive dance practices, public engagement and membership services for artists, teachers and organisations. In 2011-2012 he was seconded to lead the UK programme for Big Dance 2012, part of the London 2012 Festival. Chris has written for several books, is a regular contributor to conferences in the UK and internationally and has served on various Boards, including the Voluntary Arts Network, East London Dance and currently Dancefest.

Is a local entrepreneur who runs a fundraising consultancy called Fund My Venture, which helps social organisations and businesses raise funding. He previously worked for CICD from 2008-2011 and became a board member in 2016. He also sits on the boards of ADHD Solutions CIC and The Spark Arts for Children. He is is passionate about supporting local charities and not-for-profit organisations.

An MBBS, Community Paediatrician by profession and an active member from Jain Samaj Europe. She has been a Governor of Knighton Fields Drama centre over the years in the past, as well as a pioneer member of CICD, since it first established in 1981, as a Trustee, a Board member and also Genera Secretary and also as one of the examiners for exams carried out by CICD for Kathak Diploma courses.
She has also participated in few dance ballets and showcases in the past, as well as beeing instrumental in organising various dance and music workshops in the community.